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Music is powerful.
Lyrics matter.

Do you have children or spend time with them as a Grandparent, educator or caregiver? Are you desperately in search of meaningful, inoffensive music? Would you like to expose your child to age-appropriate music but are afraid to turn on the radio or play a Spotify playlist for fear a raunchy song will blurt out? Then my book is for you!

I wrote and published a book entitled Powerful Playlists: 1,000 Energizing Songs to Entertain, Teach and Heal.

My book helps parents learn about fun and creative ways to introduce great music to their children. So, they develop a lifetime appreciation for a variety of meaningful music.

On the other hand, sadly, young people easily access explicit music via streaming sites and YouTube. I reveal practical tips on how to teach your child to make careful music choices and avoid explicit music.

Why does it matter what your child listens to? Find out in Powerful Playlists.

Powerful Playlists is packed with must-hear, carefully selected and sequenced playlists with songs from America and around the globe suitable for everybody. As a bonus, many of the playlists found in the book are available on Spotify.

Purchase a copy or many copies of my book.

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